egg · n
a nest egg
C2 a sum of money that has been saved or kept for a specific purpose
Dictionary examples:
She used her nest egg to buy a really good piano. (47.1)
egg (FOOD)
A1 an oval object with a hard shell which is produced by female birds, especially chickens, and which is eaten as food
Dictionary examples:
Eggs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! (0.0)
I paint faces on my eggs. (0.0)
I dropped the egg on my head! (0.0)
I eat eggs for dinner every night! (0.0)
I use eggs to make my hair shiny! (0.0)
a hard-boiled/soft-boiled egg (26.7)
How do you like your eggs - fried or scrambled? (50.4)
egg (BABY)
B2 an oval object with a hard shell that contains a baby bird, insect or other creature
Dictionary examples:
After fourteen days the eggs hatch. (50.9)
The cuckoo lays her egg in another bird's nest. (75.1)