effort · n
effort (ATTEMPT)
B1 an attempt to do something
Dictionary examples:
In an effort to learn English, he watched 'The Fast and the Furious' 100 times. (0.0)
In an effort to save time, I put toothpaste on my sandwich instead of mayonnaise. (0.0)
My cat made an effort to catch the red dot, but it was just a laser pointer. (0.0)
If we could all make an effort to keep this office neater it would help. (31.7)
He's jogging around the park every morning in an effort to get in shape for the football season. (34.5)
In their efforts to reduce crime the city has expanded the police force. (39.7)
effort (ENERGY)
B1 the energy that you need to do something
Dictionary examples:
I put more effort into avoiding homework than actually doing it. (0.0)
The effort of staying awake in boring meetings is truly heroic. (0.0)
Getting out of bed on Monday requires superhuman effort. (0.0)
They've put a lot of effort into getting the design of the magazine right. (25.8)
It takes a long time to prepare the dish but the results are so good that it's worth the effort. (41.1)
It would take too much effort to straighten up his bedroom. (54.3)