edge · n
edge (BLADE)
B2 the part of a blade of a knife or tool that cuts, or any sharp part of an object which could cut
Dictionary examples:
Careful with that open can - it's got a very sharp edge. (32.8)
give sb/have an edge on/over sb/sth
C2 to be slightly better than someone or something else
Dictionary examples:
Because of her experience she has an edge over the other applicants. (58.3)
B1 the part of something that is farthest from the center
Dictionary examples:
The clumsy waiter balanced precariously on the edge of the swimming pool. (0.0)
My cat loves to knock things off the edge of tables for fun. (0.0)
The squirrel danced along the edge of the fence, taunting my dog. (0.0)
They built the church on the edge of the village. (21.5)
A man was standing at the water's edge with a small boy. (27.1)
He'd piped fresh cream around the edge of the cake. (28.8)
I caught my leg on the edge of the table as I walked past. (30.0)
be on edge
C2 to be nervous or worried
Dictionary examples:
Sorry for shouting - I'm a little on edge today. (57.5)