eat · v
A1 to put food into your mouth and then swallow it
Dictionary examples:
Can we eat now? I'm hungry! (0.0)
Let's eat cake for dinner today! (0.0)
Don't eat with your mouth open! (0.0)
I eat ice cream for breakfast. (0.0)
Can you eat soup with a fork? (0.0)
I eat bugs when I sleep. (0.0)
I haven't eaten since breakfast. (8.8)
Let's have something to eat. (10.8)
Who ate all the cake? (13.5)
A1 to have a meal
Dictionary examples:
I eat pizza for breakfast. (0.0)
My dog eats at the table. (0.0)
She eats with her feet. (0.0)
She eats dinner with her toes. (0.0)
I eat breakfast with my eyes closed. (0.0)
We eat dinner under the table. (0.0)
We usually eat at about 7 o'clock. (12.5)