east · n
the East ()
B2 the countries of Asia
Dictionary examples:
She spent her childhood in the East - mostly in China and Japan. (27.6)
A2 the direction that you face to see the sun rise, opposite the west
Dictionary examples:
I walked east for an hour. Oops, I meant to go west! (0.0)
I always confuse east and west. Now I'm in Canada! (0.0)
I thought east was where the pizza shop was. I'm lost! (0.0)
Which way is east? (9.4)
The points of the compass are North, South, East and West. (53.1)
the east ()
A2 the part of an area that is further toward the east than the rest
Dictionary examples:
My sister always sits in the east of the classroom. (0.0)
My socks always end up in the east of the drawer. (0.0)
My brother always loses his shoes in the east of the house. (0.0)
Her home is in the east of France. (13.6)
Most of the country, except the east, is rural. (33.7)