earn · v
earn (DESERVE)
C2 to get something that you deserve because of your work, qualities, etc.
Dictionary examples:
As a teacher you have to earn the respect of your students. (25.7)
earn (RECEIVE)
A2 to receive money for doing work
Dictionary examples:
I earned $5 for eating 50 hot dogs. Was it worth it? (0.0)
I earn peanuts at work, but at least I'm not allergic! (0.0)
I earned a cookie for not eating cookies all day! (0.0)
She earns about $50,000 a year. (14.5)
How much do you earn, if you don't mind me asking? (23.0)
earn a living
B2 to have enough money for the things you need from doing your work
Dictionary examples:
You can't expect to earn a living from your painting. (34.5)