early · adv
A1 near the beginning of a period of time, process, etc.
Dictionary examples:
The sun rises early. I don't. (0.0)
My cat wakes me early. Help! (0.0)
Early to bed, early to yawn. (0.0)
I get up early during the week. (10.8)
She starts work fairly early. (20.3)
early (BEFORE)
A2 before the usual time or the time that was arranged
Dictionary examples:
I came to the party so early, even the balloons weren't awake yet! (0.0)
She started studying so early, her books weren't even printed yet! (0.0)
I got to work so early, my coffee was still sleeping! (0.0)
If you finish early, you can go home. (14.6)
The plane arrived ten minutes early. (21.9)