ear · n
not believe your ears
B2 to be very surprised when you hear what someone says
Dictionary examples:
I couldn't believe my ears when Dan said they were getting married. (27.2)
play sth by ear
C2 to play a piece of music by remembering the notes
Dictionary examples:
She played all the songs by ear. (16.5)
play it by ear
C2 to decide how to deal with a situation as it develops
Dictionary examples:
I'm not sure what to tell Dad - I'll just have to play it by ear. (23.8)
fall on deaf ears
C2 If advice or a request falls on deaf ears, people ignore it.
Dictionary examples:
Our pleas for help fell on deaf ears. (58.3)
have an ear for sth
C1 to be good at hearing, repeating, or understanding a particular type of sound
Dictionary examples:
Akosua has an ear for languages - she speaks four. (19.3)
He has no ear for music. (24.1)
A1 one of the two body parts on your head that you hear with
Dictionary examples:
I use my ear to hold my pencil. (0.0)
My ear is cold. Can I borrow your hat? (0.0)
I can't hear you. My ear's full of water! (0.0)
I put a hat on my ear! (0.0)
My dog's ear is a TV remote! (0.0)
I hear music with my big ear! (0.0)
She leaned over and whispered something in his ear. (32.8)
The hearing in my left ear's not so good. (53.3)