each · pron
A1 every one in a group of two or more things or people when they are considered separately
Dictionary examples:
We have three teachers. Each talks all day long. (0.0)
There are three students. Each is sleeping in class. (0.0)
I have two feet. Each smells different. (0.0)
The bill comes to $36, so between four of us that's $9 each. (19.3)
There are five different leaflets - please take one of each. (44.5)
each other
A2 used to show that each person in a group of two or more people does something to the others
Dictionary examples:
The twins kept tickling each other during the boring class. (0.0)
The friends kept copying each other's homework, getting caught every time. (0.0)
The students kept correcting each other's English mistakes. (0.0)
They're always wearing each other's clothes. (16.7)
They kept looking at each other and smiling. (17.6)
Why are you always arguing with each other? (20.6)