due · adj
in due course
B2 at a suitable time in the future
Dictionary examples:
The results will be sent to you in due course. (23.0)
be due for sth
C1 If you are due for something, it should happen very soon.
Dictionary examples:
I'm due for a check-up at the dentist's. (21.7)
C2 Something that is due to you is something that is owed to you or something you deserve.
Dictionary examples:
He didn't get the praise and recognition that was due to him. (63.8)
with all due respect
C1 used to politely disagree with or give a negative opinion about something
Dictionary examples:
I’ve been thinking about what you said and, with all due respect, I think you’re mistaken. (66.2)
C2 correct and suitable
Dictionary examples:
He was fined for driving without due care and attention. (36.3)
B1 expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time
Dictionary examples:
My invisible friend is due for dinner at 7 PM sharp. (0.0)
My imaginary girlfriend is due to become real any minute now. (0.0)
My pet rock is due to sprout legs any day now! (0.0)
What time is the next bus due? (14.1)
Their first baby is due in January. (17.5)
The next meeting is due to be held in three months' time. (28.6)
due to
B1 because of
Dictionary examples:
Due to a banana peel, the clown's grand entrance became a hilarious slip-and-slide show. (0.0)
Due to a misunderstanding, the chef put candles on the birthday steak. (0.0)
Due to a typo, the wedding invitation said 'Bring your own bride.' (0.0)
Due to wet leaves on the line, this train will arrive an hour late. (56.2)
A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom. (64.8)