drag · v
drag (PULL)
B2 to pull someone or something along the ground, usually with difficulty
Dictionary examples:
Pick the chair up instead of dragging it behind you! (24.7)
She dragged the canoe down to the water. (52.5)
drag sb along/out/to, etc.
C2 to make someone go somewhere they do not want to go
Dictionary examples:
She dragged me along to look at shoes with her. (25.1)
I have to drag myself out of bed every morning. (30.6)
drag (TIME)
C2 to continue for too much time in a boring way
Dictionary examples:
The play dragged during the second act. (30.8)
Negotiations dragged on for months. (36.6)
B1 to move something on a computer screen using a mouse
Dictionary examples:
I dragged my homework into the 'Later' folder. Much later! (0.0)
I accidentally dragged my face into the trash folder. Oops! (0.0)
She dragged her boss's angry email straight to the spam folder. (0.0)
Drag the highlighted text to the new window. (31.4)
drag and drop
B1 to move something on a computer screen using a mouse and place it where you want it to be
Dictionary examples:
I accidentally dragged my cat photo onto my boss's face during the video call. (0.0)
I dragged my homework file into the 'excuses' folder before the deadline. (0.0)
She accidentally dragged her selfie onto the company website during the update. (0.0)
drag and drop exercises (20.9)