down · prep
down the drain
C2 If money or work goes down the drain, it is wasted.
Dictionary examples:
If you leave the school now, all your hard work will go down the drain. (45.7)
down the line
C2 in the future
Dictionary examples:
Lots of things will have changed a few years down the road. (17.0)
A2 in or toward a low or lower position, from a higher one
Dictionary examples:
My pants fell down during my important presentation! (0.0)
I dropped my phone down a drain. Oops! (0.0)
The clumsy waiter spilled soup down my shirt at dinner. (0.0)
I slid down the hill. (24.1)
Aikiko fell down some stairs and broke her wrist. (62.7)
down (ALONG)
A2 along or further along
Dictionary examples:
The teacher's wig flew down the corridor during the windy day. (0.0)
The clumsy waiter rolled down the aisle, spilling drinks everywhere. (0.0)
The paper airplane flew down the classroom, landing on the teacher's head. (0.0)
Her office is down the hall on the right. (18.3)
We drove down the highway as far as Cape May. (21.8)
They sailed the boat down the river. (30.9)