document · n
A2 a piece of paper with official information on it
Dictionary examples:
The dog ate my important document. Now I can't prove I'm human! (0.0)
I spilled coffee on my work document. It's now officially a brown paper! (0.0)
I used the document as a hat. Now I look very official! (0.0)
official/confidential/legal documents (51.7)
document (ON COMPUTER)
B1 a piece of text produced electronically on a computer
Dictionary examples:
I spent hours writing a document, but forgot to save it! (0.0)
My computer crashed while I was writing a 50-page document about bad luck. (0.0)
I wrote a 10-page document about why I hate writing long documents. (0.0)
I'll send you the document by email. (51.6)