display · n
a display of affection/anger, etc.
C2 when someone behaves in a way that shows they have a particular feeling or attitude
Dictionary examples:
The politicians shook hands in a display of unity for the media. (46.9)
display (ON SCREEN)
B1 when something is shown electronically such as on a computer screen
Dictionary examples:
The computer display showed 'Error 404: Homework not found' when I tried to submit. (0.0)
The ATM display showed 'Insert pizza' instead of 'Insert card'. I'm still confused. (0.0)
My fitness tracker's display said I walked 10,000 steps while I was sleeping. (0.0)
The display problems might be due to a shortage of disk space. (35.1)
on display ()
B1 If something is on display, it is there for people to look at.
Dictionary examples:
The teacher put my terrible math test on display as a joke! (0.0)
The bakery put a giant cake on display, but it was made of plastic! (0.0)
The zoo put a banana-eating contest on display, but the monkeys won every time! (0.0)
Many old airplanes are on display at the museum. (19.1)
B1 a collection of objects or pictures arranged for people to look at
Dictionary examples:
The school's display of student mistakes had everyone laughing and learning. (0.0)
The bakery's display of giant cookies made everyone's eyes pop out. (0.0)
The museum's display of funny hats made everyone giggle uncontrollably. (0.0)
a display of children's paintings (15.8)
display (SHOW)
B2 a performance or show for people to watch
Dictionary examples:
a fireworks display (21.5)