disk · n
disk (SHAPE)
B2 a flat, round shape or object
Dictionary examples:
The dog had a small, metal disk attached to its collar. (30.9)
disk (BACK)
C2 a piece of cartilage between the bones in your back
Dictionary examples:
a slipped disk (31.3)
B1 a piece of computer equipment that records and stores information electronically
Dictionary examples:
My dog ate my homework disk. Now my computer has indigestion! (0.0)
I dropped my disk in coffee. Now my computer smells awake! (0.0)
I accidentally used my disk as a coaster. Now my computer drinks coffee! (0.0)
the hard disk (13.7)
How much disk space is there? (19.9)
B1 a CD
Dictionary examples:
My grandma tried to play her favorite disk in the toaster. (0.0)
He thought the disk drive was a cup holder for his coffee. (0.0)
The cat thought the shiny new disk was a toy mouse. (0.0)
Both songs are on their latest disk. (18.1)