concentrate · v
(be) concentrated around/in/on, etc.
C1 to be present in large numbers or amounts in a particular area
Dictionary examples:
Most of the fighting was concentrated in the mountains. (42.6)
B1 to think very carefully about something you are doing and nothing else
Dictionary examples:
I'm concentrating on not laughing during this serious meeting, but it's so hard! (0.0)
He concentrated so hard on his phone, he walked into a lamppost! (0.0)
I tried to concentrate on my homework, but my cat kept typing 'meow' on my keyboard. (0.0)
Come on, concentrate! We haven't got all day to do this. (18.1)
I can't concentrate on my work with all that noise. (23.4)
I'm going to concentrate on my writing for a while. (31.5)