complete · v
complete (FINISH)
A2 to finish doing or making something
Dictionary examples:
She completed her test before the teacher finished explaining it. (0.0)
I'll complete this book if it's the last thing I do! (0.0)
We completed the game just as the power went out. (0.0)
She will complete her studies in France. (14.4)
The palace took over twenty years to complete. (19.6)
complete (MAKE WHOLE)
A2 to provide the last part needed to make something whole
Dictionary examples:
She completed her homework by drawing funny faces on it. (0.0)
To complete his exercise routine, he danced with his dog. (0.0)
I need a hug to complete my day of eating ice cream. (0.0)
All she needed to complete her happiness was a baby. (19.6)
He only needs two more cards to complete the set. (19.6)
Complete the sentence with one of the adjectives provided. (21.7)
complete (WRITE)
A2 to write all the details asked for on a form or other document
Dictionary examples:
I completed my workout plan: 'Eat cake, take nap'. (0.0)
He completed his to-do list with 'make another to-do list'. (0.0)
I completed the form with 'pizza' for every answer. (0.0)
Have you completed your application form yet? (22.6)