climb · v
climb into/out of/through, etc.
B2 to move into or out of a small space, often with difficulty or effort
Dictionary examples:
They climbed into the truck and drove away. (26.0)
The baby had managed to climb out of his crib. (54.7)
B2 to go up, or to go toward the top of something
Dictionary examples:
The sun climbed higher in the sky. (19.4)
The plane climbed quickly to a height of 30,000 feet. (25.6)
As it leaves the village, the road climbs steeply up the mountain. (62.2)
climb (PERSON)
A2 to use your legs, or your legs and hands, to go up or onto the top of something
Dictionary examples:
The cat climbed the curtains to escape the vacuum cleaner. (0.0)
The monkey climbed the tourist to steal his banana. (0.0)
The clown climbed the ladder but his big shoes got stuck. (0.0)
She climbed up on a chair to change the light bulb. (28.1)
climb a ladder/mountain/tree (37.7)
He slowly climbed the stairs. (51.5)