checkout · n
checkout (WEB SITE)
B1 the place on a Web site where you order and pay for the things you are buying
Dictionary examples:
At the checkout, I accidentally ordered 100 pizzas instead of one! (0.0)
The online checkout was so slow, I grew a beard waiting! (0.0)
The checkout asked for my shoe size. I'm buying a toothbrush! (0.0)
Click here to proceed to checkout. (51.8)
checkout (store)
B1 the place in a store, especially a large food store, where you pay for the things you are buying
Dictionary examples:
The banana peel at the checkout made everyone slip into laughter. (0.0)
The checkout clerk mistook Monopoly money for real cash. (0.0)
The checkout became a dance floor when the music started playing. (0.0)
There were long lines at the checkout. (20.4)
She works at the checkout at the local supermarket. (23.6)