call · n
a call for sth
C1 a demand for something to happen
Dictionary examples:
a call for action/peace (26.8)
call (VISIT)
C1 a short visit
Dictionary examples:
I thought I'd pay Gary a call. (15.5)
call (SHOUT)
B1 when someone shouts something
Dictionary examples:
The student's desperate calls for coffee during the all-night study session were hilarious. (0.0)
His calls for pizza during the exam made everyone laugh. (0.0)
His calls for a superhero during the math test weren't answered. (0.0)
I'll be in the next room, so give me a call if you need any help. (23.7)
She could hear calls for help from inside the burning building. (32.2)
sb's call
B1 when someone can decide something
Dictionary examples:
It's your call: pizza or burgers? My stomach is making the decision difficult! (0.0)
It's your call: should I wear the banana costume or the hot dog? (0.0)
It's your call: should we tell Mom about the broken vase or blame aliens? (0.0)
I don't care what we do - it's your call. (22.6)
A2 when you use the telephone
Dictionary examples:
The call from my boss woke up my sleeping cat. (0.0)
I got a call from my dentist during my first date! (0.0)
I made a call to order pizza during my math test. (0.0)
I got a call from Pete last night. (11.9)
There was a call for you earlier. (12.5)
I'll take the call in my office. (14.5)
I've just got a couple of calls to make. (20.4)
Could you give me a call when you have time? (22.0)