business · n
be none of sb's business
B2 If something is none of someone's business, they do not need to know about it, although they want to, because it does not affect them.
Dictionary examples:
I'm certainly not going to tell Lara how much money I've spent - it's none of her business! (34.5)
mind your own business
C2 used to tell someone in that you are annoyed and they should not ask about something private
Dictionary examples:
I wish you'd just mind your own business. (22.3)
business (SELLING)
A1 the activity of buying and selling goods and services
Dictionary examples:
I sell funny hats. Business is good! (0.0)
Selling umbrellas in the desert? Bad business! (0.0)
My cat started a mouse-catching business. (0.0)
He's in business with his cousin. (12.1)
We decided to go into business together. (24.7)
This new tax will put a lot of small companies out of business. (25.7)
a business appointment/call/meeting (32.5)
Our firm does a lot of business with overseas customers. (39.8)
A2 an organization that sells goods or services
Dictionary examples:
My uncle's clown business makes people laugh and money. (0.0)
The pickle-flavored ice cream business is surprisingly tasty. (0.0)
The professional nap-taking business is a dream come true. (0.0)
He runs a small IT business. (9.5)
The two brothers set up/started up an office supplies business. (53.1)
business (WORK)
B1 the work that you do to earn money
Dictionary examples:
My cat thinks sleeping 18 hours a day is serious business. (0.0)
I'm on a top-secret business mission to find the TV remote. (0.0)
My business is professional napping. I sleep, you pay me. (0.0)
I'm in Baltimore on business. (6.7)