branch · n
branch (SUBJECT)
B2 a part of a subject
Dictionary examples:
Immunology is a branch of biological science. (60.6)
branch (BUSINESS)
B1 one of several stores, offices, etc. that are part of a company or organization
Dictionary examples:
Our bank's new branch is so small, it fits in a shoebox! (0.0)
The gym's new branch is for lazy people who hate exercise! (0.0)
The chocolate factory's new branch makes vegetables taste like candy! (0.0)
She's a branch manager. (14.7)
I used to work in the local branch of a large bank. (28.0)
branch (TREE)
B1 one of the many parts of a tree that grows out from its trunk
Dictionary examples:
The monkey stole my sandwich and ran to the highest branch. (0.0)
My cat thinks he's a bird and keeps getting stuck in tree branches. (0.0)
My brother tried to use a tree branch as a magic wand. (0.0)
Birds often make nests in the top branches of the tree. (46.9)