box · n
A1 a square or rectangular container
Dictionary examples:
He fell asleep in a big box. (0.0)
The dog tried to eat the box. (0.0)
She hid cookies in an old box. (0.0)
He put his head in a box. (0.0)
She paints boxes for fun. (0.0)
The box is too small for him. (0.0)
a box of chocolates (8.6)
a cardboard box (24.7)
A2 a small square on a page that gives you information or where you write information
Dictionary examples:
I wish there was a box for 'I don't know' on tests. (0.0)
The teacher's favorite box on tests is 'Show your work'. (0.0)
I drew a box around my doodle and called it art. (0.0)
If you would like more information, check this box. (13.1)
Choose an adjective from the box to complete each sentence. (20.0)