behave · v
behave (BE POLITE)
B1 to be polite and not make a situation difficult
Dictionary examples:
The teacher begged the class to behave during the principal's visit, offering free ice cream. (0.0)
My grandma told me to behave at the wedding or she'd dance with my crush. (0.0)
My dog behaves better at dinner parties than my husband does. (0.0)
Did the children behave (themselves)? (15.7)
B1 to do or say things in a particular way
Dictionary examples:
My grandpa behaves like a teenager when he gets a new gadget. (0.0)
My cat behaves like a dog, fetching newspapers and barking at strangers. (0.0)
During the exam, John behaved like a chicken, pecking at his paper nervously. (0.0)
You behaved like an idiot! (32.9)
He's been behaving very strangely recently. (34.2)
She always behaves badly at bedtime. (52.5)