appear · v
it appears (that)
B2 used to say that something seems to be true
Dictionary examples:
It appears that he had asked someone to drive him home from the party. (33.2)
B2 to start to exist or become available
Dictionary examples:
The story appeared in all the major newspapers. (28.5)
Laptop computers first appeared in the 1980s. (50.8)
it would appear (that)
C1 used to say that something seems to be true
Dictionary examples:
It would appear that nobody on board the aircraft actually had a licence to fly it. (65.1)
appear (SEEM)
B1 to seem
Dictionary examples:
My computer appears to be taking a nap during important meetings. (0.0)
My phone appears to have a mind of its own, sending weird texts. (0.0)
My dog appears to think he's a cat, meowing and climbing trees. (0.0)
There appears to be some mistake. (17.5)
He appeared calm and relaxed. (30.1)
The governor appeared confident of another election. (55.3)
appear in/at/on, etc.
B1 to perform in a movie, play, etc.
Dictionary examples:
My grandma appeared on a cooking show and accidentally set the kitchen on fire. (0.0)
The forgetful actor appeared in the play but forgot all his lines. (0.0)
The nervous chef appeared on a cooking competition and accidentally cooked his watch. (0.0)
She appears briefly in the new James Bond movie. (23.6)
appear (BE SEEN)
B1 to start to be seen
Dictionary examples:
My homework appeared to vanish every time the teacher asked for it. (0.0)
A big chocolate cake appeared on my desk during the diet meeting. (0.0)
A mysterious note appeared on my fridge: 'Buy more ice cream!' (0.0)
Then a bright light appeared in the sky. (18.8)
He suddenly appeared in the doorway. (43.4)