any · det
any (SOME)
A1 used in questions and negatives to mean some
Dictionary examples:
Do we have any homework? Please say no! (0.0)
I don't have any money. I'm so sad! (0.0)
Don't you have any friends? Poor you! (0.0)
I asked Andrew for some change but he hasn't got any. (13.9)
I haven't seen any of his films. (23.7)
"Is there any more soup?" "No, I'm afraid there isn't any left." (30.8)
A1 one of or each of a particular kind of person or thing when it is not important which
Dictionary examples:
Any song makes dad dance funny! (0.0)
Any pizza is good pizza! (0.0)
Any bed is good for napping! (0.0)
We should hear from him any minute/day/time now. (12.7)
"Which of these cakes may I eat?" "Any." (17.9)
Any of you should be able to answer this question. (23.5)
There were a lot of computers at the store, any (one) of which would have been fine for me. (31.2)
Any advice that you can give me would be greatly appreciated. (41.3)