allow · v
allow (TIME/MONEY)
C1 to plan to use a particular amount of money, time, etc., for something
Dictionary examples:
Allow three hours for the whole trip. (23.7)
C1 to make it possible for someone to do something
Dictionary examples:
The extra money will allow me to upgrade my computer. (40.6)
C2 to not prevent something from happening
Dictionary examples:
They have allowed the problem to get worse. (23.4)
B1 to give someone permission for something
Dictionary examples:
The boss allowed us to wear pajamas to work on Fridays! (0.0)
My dad allowed me to drive his car, but I crashed it into a tree! (0.0)
The teacher allowed us to bring our pets to school for show-and-tell. (0.0)
Pets aren't allowed in this hotel. (22.3)
You're not allowed to talk during the exam. (27.4)
The referee decided to allow the goal. (37.4)