alarm · n
alarm (WORRY)
C2 a sudden feeling of fear or worry that something bad might happen
Dictionary examples:
There's no need for alarm - everything is fine. (31.5)
alarm (WARNING)
B1 a loud noise or flashing light that warns you of danger
Dictionary examples:
The teacher's voice is like an alarm that wakes up sleeping students. (0.0)
The smoke alarm goes off every time I try to cook. (0.0)
My mom's angry voice is scarier than any alarm I've ever heard. (0.0)
What set off the alarm? (20.9)
a burglar/car/fire/smoke alarm (35.3)
alarm (WAKING)
B1 a clock or a device in a watch, cell phone, etc. that makes a noise to wake you
Dictionary examples:
My alarm is a recording of my mom saying, 'You're late for school!' (0.0)
I set my alarm for 7 AM, but my body always wakes at 6:59. (0.0)
My cat is my alarm clock. She sits on my face at 6 AM. (0.0)
The alarm went off at 5:30 and she got up immediately. (30.9)