accept · v
accept (ADMIT)
B2 to admit that something is true, often something unpleasant
Dictionary examples:
He refuses to accept that he's made a mistake. (33.6)
I can't accept that there's nothing we can do. (35.2)
accept (ALLOW TO JOIN)
B2 to allow someone to join an organization or become part of a group
Dictionary examples:
He was accepted as a full member of the society. (29.5)
She was accepted to two of the universities she applied to. (31.3)
His fellow workers refused to accept him. (34.0)
accept (AGREE TO TAKE)
B1 to agree to take something that is offered to you
Dictionary examples:
I accepted the job offer to be a professional pizza taster. (0.0)
He accepted the challenge to go a week without looking at his phone. (0.0)
I accepted the job of professional pillow tester. It's a dream come true! (0.0)
She won't accept advice from anyone. (22.0)
to accept an apology/invitation/offer (32.8)
I've been invited to their wedding, but I haven't decided whether to accept. (38.7)
accept responsibility/blame
B2 to admit that you caused something bad that happened
Dictionary examples:
I accept full responsibility for the failure of the plan. (37.8)