All A1, A2, B1 Senses

LINK: All of A1, A2, B2 senses
LINK: Unfinished A1, A2, B2
Number of senses TO CHECK: 0/5076
Word Sense title Level Edit
the the (YOUR) B1 link
the the (PLACE) A1 link
the the (PARTICULAR) A1 link
the first floor the first floor B1 link
the ground floor the ground floor B1 link
the Internet the Internet A1 link
theater theater A2 link
their their (TO AVOID HIS/HERS) B1 link
their their (BELONGING TO GROUP) A1 link
theirs theirs A2 link
them them (TO AVOID HIM/HER) B1 link
them them (GROUP) A1 link
themselves (by) themselves A2 link
themselves themselves (REFLEXIVE) A2 link
then then (RESULT) A2 link
then then (AT THAT TIME) A1 link
then then (NEXT) A1 link
there There is/are/was, etc. A1 link
there there (GIVING) A2 link